1320 Cambridge Blvd.

Columbus, Ohio 43212

(614) 488-0681

Ext. 263

Property Improvements Continue Despite Pandemic

By Darian Torrance

    Every year, hundreds of thousands of dollars donated over time to First Community Foundation by generous church families keep FC facilities and equipment safe, attractive, and operating. With services conducted virtually and little on-site traffic, 2020 has been an ideal time to make facility and property improvements. The following is a sample of grants approved by the Foundation that fulfill needs of FC ministries and that align with the intent of Foundation donors. 

At Camp Akita

  • A new roof for the dining hall 
  • Completion of high-speed internet infrastructure
  • Purchase of a new tractor and attachments

At South

  • Improvement to the Memorial Garden area including new doors
  • Media screens for the sanctuary
  • Annex and Trading Post improvements including new fire door and heating and air-conditioning (HVAC) units
  • Chairs for the South Campus Library
  • Coffee brewers for both North and South Campuses

At North

  • HVAC computer and web control software
  • Sealcoating and striping of parking lots at both North and South

In addition to these projects, the Foundation approved funding to support the Young Adult Ministry, Heart to Heart and the Mexico Mission Trip. In partnership with the Mission Council, Foundation funds provided emergency support for families affected by financial stress due to COVID-19. As a congregation, including the Foundation Board of Trustees, we thank our generous donors and their families. They had the foresight to create and contribute to funds that make it possible to continue to celebrate our sacred spaces.