1320 Cambridge Blvd.

Columbus, Ohio 43212

(614) 488-0681

Ext. 263

Foundation Grants Approved Throughout COVID-19

By Chris Montgomery

    In its effort to support the Church’s missions and ministries and meet the moment during the COVID-19 pandemic, the First Community Foundation with the Mission Council has provided emergency grants totaling approximately $7,400 to individuals negatively affected by the pandemic.  Funds have been used to pay for rent and other necessities.  The Foundation Board decided that urgent action was necessary outside of its normal grant-approval process, and it is continuing to examine ways to be most relevant and helpful in these challenging times.

Other recent grants include:

  • $8,000 to pay for a new HVAC system and fire door for the Trading Post (funds provided by the Ralph and Mary Johansmann Capital Improvement Endowment Fund).
  • $25,000 to make improvements to the Memorial Garden area at South Campus, including replacing deteriorated doors and hardware (funds provided by the Sallie Davis Memorial Garden Fund).
  • $24,000 to provide updates to the media equipment at South Campus (funds provided by the Nelson and Emma French Media Donor-Advised Fund and Ralph and Mary Johansmann Capital Improvement Endowment Fund)

The Foundation Board thanks the many donors whose funds support the grants awarded.